Fire beside the runway in Laxå – stopped rail traffic


There is a stop in the trains between Laxå and Töreboda

The reason is that a fire broke off beside the track

– We are in a helpless train that burns to the right and to the left of the train ", says the traveler Susanna Hellekant

Susanna Hellekant is sitting on a helpless train between Laxå and Töreboda. She tells us that the rescue service is working fully with the fire on the outside of the train.

– We stopped for the train to become powerless. After a quarter, the driver came to say that he was burning on the runway. He took the train extinguisher and began to put out the fire, other passengers also helped, said Susanna Hellekant.

In the beginning, travelers received information that the train would be evacuated.

– We are now waiting for a diesel train from Hallsberg, which will take us to the next station, says Susanna Hellekant

The incident affects, among other things, trains between Stockholm and Gothenburg, Trafikverket States.

The text is in the process of being updated.

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Brand in Laxå by slot machines.


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The three titles of today Saturday, July 13 00:29

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