Fire in an industrial building | Aftonbladet


The rescue service was called in an industrial building in Västerås, where it is currently burning with heavy smoke

According to information in Aftonbladet, a distance of 300 meters must be blocked for safety reasons.

– Bottles of gas and a lot of gasoline, says Gunnar Henriksson, Inner Commander at Mälarsam

The alarm arrived at the emergency service just before nine o'clock Saturday night

– C & # Is a pretty powerful industry with heavy stuff. According to Gunnar Henriksson, there are gas bottles and a lot of gas in the building.

According to the emergency services, it is in the ventilation system. Gas cylinders and gasoline are further into the building and you are now working to extinguish the fire.

Staff at Bodycote were able to go out.

– They have 24-hour staff who call us. They came out of the building themselves, says Gunnar Henriksson

"Now it's a lot of rumors"

The witness Johan Söderholm, 24, is close by.

– I heard an explosion. It was quite creative.

– First, I saw white smoke and now it is black

According to information in Aftonbladet, a distance of 300 meters should be blocked for safety.

The text is updated

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Note this well in one news: Never interfere with rescue or police. Do not expose yourself or others to risks. Think about personal integrity. Do not be in contact but stay at the appropriate distance.

The three titles of today Saturday, July 7 00:29

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