Fire in the Bohuslän Nature Reserve | Gothenburg after


The first warning about the fire in the Kynnefjäll Nature Reserve in Tanum reached SOS three-quarters of Thursday afternoon. After that, several people alerted SOS that they were seeing smoke evolving in a swamp.

The forces of Skee, Tanum and Munkedal were alarmed, but it was difficult for the rescue service to reach the site hardened by fire.

– There was a swamp that burned, there was no dangerous road, so there was a high risk of spread, "said Håkan Baatz at the Tanum Rescue Service. [19659004] The fire around

SOS Alarm received emergency service updates during the evening, stating that it did not turn into a fire. forest

– There has been no forest fire since the area where it burns the most is moss with mud and bush pods.They try to water the area now so that the fire does not fire, "says Malin Pettersson, team leader at SOS Alarm.

Later that evening, at around 9 pm, the emergency department was able to control the fire.

– We probably managed to surround the fire with a snake and we think it is under control, says Håkan Baatz

Shelters the premises

The rescue service has It should also have received a lot of help from local people.

– The public came to their aid. It's only the terrain where people with local knowledge have, among other things, shown where there are thorns and places to get water, and good ways to continue, Malin Petterson said at SOS alarm earlier in the evening.

Håkan Baatz is anxious to pay tribute to the assistants:

– We had staff from the Bullarna Forestry Association and a number of young volunteers from the area who helped and did a good job. They drove four-wheeled equipment and helped pull the hose for easier work, Håkan Baatz explains.

In total, about 20 fires and 40 civilians and volunteers worked with the fire during the evening. The fire should be under control, but will be monitored during the night.

– We will leave people overnight, says Håkan Baatz.

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