Fire in the workshop south of Örebro – clears smoke


The alarm on the fire came to SOS at 18:21 Wednesday night. According to the first data, it was burning in a pile of wood, but soon there were more alarms as the fire had spread to an adjacent engineering building.

Read more: Workshop destroyed – The chief of the fire: "

– The fire started in a large flat garden and has since taken in a building next door.We have three units in place and we are working to extinguish the fire, "said Kenneth Cederström, internal officer of the Nerike Fire Department.

According to witnesses, NA appeared to raise black smoke. The smoke just seemed from the center of Örebro

Just after half past eight, the public service was almost in control of the fire. The building which contained a workshop and a machine room and which measured approximately 40 times 15 meters had begun.

– Flishögen still burns But as the wind is blowing now, we have control over the surroundings so that they do not spread, "said Kenneth Cederström.

No person or animal should have been hurt in the # Fire (19659008) [ad_2]
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