Fireworks are stopped in Gävlebocken – for the environment


The famous bucket of straw will not be reinvigorated by fireworks, announces the municipality of Gävle.

Instead, money for fireworks will support the sobriety move.

In recent years, there have been smaller fireworks during the traditional opening of the Christmas book in Gävle. But this year, there will not be any, wrote SVT Gävleborg.

A citizenship proposal was submitted to the municipality for the money previously spent on fireworks to be donated to a charity – and the proposal was passed in the city council.

But municipalities can not contribute to charitable organizations.

Therefore, the money will be invested in cooperation with the thought provoking movement IOGT-NTO.

Go to vulnerable children

"It's good to be able to use the Gävlebock to do something good, especially for children in trouble during the holidays," Communication Director Johan Adolfsson said in a press release.

However, for the Gävlebo, which is organizing a feast without any fireworks, this winter will be a message of appeasement: fireworks will still be on fire in Gasklockorna.

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