First day of scholarship for GW Alzheimer's fiber optics


The biotechnology company Alzecure Pharma appeared during the first transaction.

Biotech company Alzecure Pharma loses 26% of its first transaction on Nasdaq First North Premier on Wednesday.

Criminologist Leif GW Persson entered the company three years ago.

"The market is huge and if I succeed, I will not have to trade any more," he told Veckans Affärer a few days before his IPO.

Read more: The GW Stock Exchange banned for 3 years: "If they succeed, I will not have to negotiate any more"

The share was traded in the 9: 80-12: 00 interval, which represents a 14-30% decrease compared to the subscription price of SEK 14 million of the new issue of SEK 200 million, which has been fully subscribed to the quotation.

Alzecure Pharma's research focuses on brain diseases and primarily Alzheimer's disease. Five drug candidates have been developed so far, two of which enter the clinical phase. The company was established in 2016, but it can be said that it has existed since 2012, according to CEO Johan Sandin.

"We had previously trained the company in the Astra Zeneca research unit in Södertälje." When the CNS unit was downloaded, we had the feeling that we had a lot of good ideas that we did not have. had not taken place in this organization, "Johan Sandin told the news agency for two weeks. then.

Contact was made with Bengt Winblad, professor at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and at the Swedish Alzheimer Foundation. With their support, a foundation team was created to develop the first project ideas.

"The two most advanced projects in this form have been transferred to a company that will later become Alzecure Pharma," said Johan Sandin.

One project is the modification of the disease, while the other is a symptomatic drug project. These two projects are small molecules, which are different from the two Alzheimer Societies, Bioarctic and Alzinova, which develop drug candidates based on large molecules.

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