First firing plane in place in Jämtland – Pages


The two Italian firefighters reportedly started the water bomb at nine in the morning on Wednesday morning in Jämtland. But only at 12:15 has arrived one of the plans, according to SVT News Jämtland. The other planet was sent to Gavleborg.

For the moment, the Fågelsjö-Lillåsen area in Jämtland is the biggest fire in the country. There are also other serious fires in Dalarna and Gävleborg, but we prioritize the fire in Jämtland because it is the biggest and it has the effect spreading fastest, "says Britta Ramberg. , Operational Director of Fire Action at the Authority for Social Protection and Preparedness (MSB) at TT Wednesday morning

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Hans Nornholm, scene conductor of the fire wounds in Ljusdal. Here, instead of meeting Lassekrog. They have major problems with the shortage of staff, difficult to find redundancies, and they are waiting for the plane from Italy, "said Nornholm.

Many people are also present in the various areas of the country.

I've been here all day, we notice that many are tired and frustrated, but everyone is grateful and happy when we come with a coffee, "said Liselott Johansson, a volunteers who served fruit, coffee and coffee. Ljusdal, at the TT show Tuesday night.

Not staying in Orrmosjön

The Jämtland County Administrative Board issued a warning about the fact that it was in the Orrmosjön region

"Orrmosjön in Härjedalen Do not stay in the lake and do not fly over the lake, "the County Administrative Board wrote Wednesday.

An important message to all The human body (VMA) was also sent to residents of the municipality. Älvdalen, in Dalarna County As the fire spreads rapidly to the northwest, the chief of rescue invites people to leave the area.

The fire spread over a distance of five to five kilometers. kilometers and all residents were asked to leave the area 19659003] The fire is still moving northwest, but it is within limits and burns over an area of ​​5,000 to 6,000 meters. Still have not received a definitive message about our desire to # 3 9, get an evacuation, "says Lotta Andersson, Mora information officer at TT at 13:30

Request for additional firefighters

MSB sent a new application to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to About more firefighters, in addition to the two already called

Now, it's the focus on fire extinguisher theft and see how we can use them during the day in the way the best and most effective. And that we follow the demand for other helicopters and fire extinguishing flights and see what is available for other countries to support it, "said Britta Ramberg

MSB has also started to cancel his own personal vacation to be on hold.Yes, we started calling vacation people so that we have a proper organization to handle that, "says Britta Ramberg

The Temporarily Discouraged Threat

In the municipality of Ljusdal, the threat to Kårböle was temporarily suspended, but on Wednesday morning the wind began to rise again and the fires began to develop right away.

You know each other Hans Nornholm, an officer in charge of Rescue from Gävleborg to TT

The Gävleborg fire was closer to 1500 hectares in the afternoon.

It's such a powerful fire and the fire is spreading if vi We can not have staff in some places. Now we must soon have the plane, "said Hans Nornholm

Dalarna and Gavleborg should first get help from flies, but after the situation seemed better than in Jämtland, MSB has redefined the priority. But at lunch time, the plan was split and the other plane was sent to Gävleborg

The two fireplanes will remain in Sweden for eight days

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