First match – here is the street map of Lilli


After the penalty lost in Malmö last Saturday, Johan Lindbom left his position as head coach of the HV71. "Lillis" Lundh took office and looks back on three days of training that began to focus on the offensive.

"On Monday, we worked a lot with objectives and efficiency, and on Tuesday we talked a bit about the basic structure of the defense, and today (last Wednesday) the biggest pieces have been added to boxplay and play. of power, says Lundh to Jnytt.

How do you feel now after three days in the new role?

"It was good, we were especially in good spirits, and even though we did not have fun on the ice, we were able to drive well, clearly it became a change and then you use the energy and the bit, then you turn it into something good: we learned both what we are doing well and we have rubbed a bit of what we can do better.

No major changes in form

Even though Lundh is now a new head coach, there is no major change to be expected in the formations. Neither in boxplay, nor in numerical advantage, nor in game five to five. Lillis says these are not the problems in the chain.

"We have been very successful on the power play and we will probably keep the lineup there, all matches are important to us now, and now we have four hours to go, we will do everything to win," Lundh said. , adding:

"We train as before and we do not know it's in Powerplay formations or in five or five nights to take a break, nor do I think it depends on statistics just because people say It's going to be better, we need to get better now, and sometimes the shoulders can fall if you repeat things while getting tips.

"Great respect for Rye"

In the first match after the rocket, the HV71 faces Rögle BK on the road. The skates have air under the wings after a difficult start to the season. With four three points in the last five games, RBK has risen to eighth place, ten points ahead of the HV. On Tuesday, the team beat Frölunda after a victorious goal.

"Rögle is a team that runs a lot of skates in all places and is constantly working, we have to resist these drugs by moving the puck in that hurry, there will be a lot of fighting where we are challenged. of respect for Rögle and they really came back in the season, "said Lundh.

In addition to Martin Thörnberg, the HV71 can also do without Simon Önerud and Nils Andersson, who are both on the list of injured people. Simon Önerud is almost back and can play against the Växjö Lakers on Saturday.

Facts for the match

HV71 As we know, the executives and Stephan Lundh are now the main coaches. Jonas Holm ..

Facts for the match

HV71 As we know, the executives and Stephan Lundh are now the main coaches. Jonas Holmström is in a SHL stand for the first time. Miss Martin Thörnberg, Nils Andersson and Simon Önerud, all players are available. Located eleven in the table with 23 points.

Rye BK: Is in a good trend and radar up to three points. Against Frölunda, Mattias Sjögren, Ben Youds, Craig Schira and Jonas Ahnelöv were missing, the Sjögren could return against HV. Daniel Widing is disabled. Is eight in the table with 33 points.

Position in the league Juser:

22 points: Mattias Tedenby

15 points: Mikko Lehtonen

10 points: Jonas Gunnarsson and Markus Ljungh

Jnytt Faucets: 1-3

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