Forbidden to have horses – Threat of fine – News in Öland – 24 hours a day


It's in August that the woman did not have Skåne County Administrative Council current license to engage in professional activities with horses.

The woman who is written at an address in the south Oland, has a business that travels across the county border and is active both in Skane and Halland county.

When the woman did not have The state of Skåne checked with the County Administrative Board that it had been found that the woman was also running her business in Skåne, even though she had no authorization.

The County Administrative Board has now issued a ban that applies immediately. If the woman violates this, she risks knowing to 2000 SEK per horse.

The woman herself claims that she already has permission to Halland and that she also does not need it for Skåne.

However, the County Board of Directors believes that women's activities do not meet the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act.

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