Forest Barometer: Forest owners are optimistic | Terrestrial forestry


As a result of turbulent forest management, Swedish forest owners generally have an optimistic view of their forest property. It shows the forest barometer of the year, prepared by Sifo on behalf of LRF Konsult, Swedbank and Savings Banks.

    Most forest owners report that profitability is good or very good.
Most forest owners report that profitability is good or very good. PHOTO: Henrik Dammberg

In the survey, 61% of forest owners responded that the profitability of private forestry is today satisfactory or very good. Over three years, the corresponding figure will be slightly higher.

Of the forest owners surveyed, 54% believe that wood prices will increase in the coming years and in the next three years. Over the same time horizon, just over half of forest owners believe that mass rates will increase.

Increased activity

Rising prices generally increase activity in the private forest industry, as confirmed by the survey. It shows that 43% of forest owners plan to finish the coming season, which is an increase over last year.

"There are very positive languages ​​everywhere in the forest industry, even in the industry.The real estate prices have already increased during the year, so it is worthwhile to "It's probably a positive feeling among forest owners," said Vibeke Alstad, master of LRF Konsult.

    Vibeke Alstad, Master of LRF Consultant.
Vibeke Alstad, Master of LRF Consultant. PHOTO: Ann Lindén

Believe in the forest

In addition, 64% of forest owners consider that an investment in forest land is profitable, which is about the same as last year. The proportion of people who believe that forest land prices will increase over the next few years is also 64%, up from 40% in 2013. What has been the evolution of forest prices over the past ten years?

Variable development

According to LRF Konsult's statistics on 2008 prices in the first half of 2018, prices have risen sharply in southern Sweden, while price developments in central Sweden has been modest. In northern Sweden, prices fell during this period. This does not prevent Norwegian forest owners from believing in a recovery.

"In all parts of the country, the proportion of forest owners is roughly equivalent to believing that forest property prices will increase over the next three years," said Vibeke Alstad.

The forest barometer also shows that:

· More than 60% of forest owners would buy more forests if they had a million crowns to invest.

· 56% have no loans on their forest property.

· 11% anticipate a generation change in the coming years.

· For just over SEK 80 billion, forests are changing ownership over the next five years.

· About 30% of investigators surveyed typically use more than 100 hectares of forest.

The most important investment

The most important parameter in the ownership of the forest is declared by most that it is a good long-term investment. Other parameters indicated were soft values ​​such as the feeling of owning wood as well as hunting and recreation.

"In previous years, soft values ​​were more important parameters than forests as a long-term investment," said Vibeke Alstad.

Read more: Long time at record price for pulpwoodUncertainty over natural values ​​affects real estate prices"Let forest owners get a share of this year's record results"

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