Forest fire rages – planes must bombard water


Arvika's alarm arrived at the police just before 16:00 on Monday afternoon. Fire on Lake Bårtjärnet

Police and rescue services are in place

– The fire is raging in a very unavailable area. It is located one kilometer from the nearest dangerous road, initially declared to the rescue service

The planes recover the water from the Stor-Emsen and Fryken lakes, then bombard the water, declares the police .

Two fires at Värmland

The fire also occurred near Kil. Two French planes were called there for the water bomb. The forces of Kil, Högboda and Karlstad are at stake.

Police initially suspected that the fires could be landed

– We will assist the rescue service at Arvika, says Tommy Lindh, presidential officer at police in the Bergslagen region. ] The emergency service had not yet begun to extinguish the fire in Arvika closer to an hour after its discovery

– this is very unavailable, one can get up with carts. Alf Törnkvist, chief of emergency preparedness, said: "He planned that he could soon start extinction.

– So we wait for an emergency exit, but they have to work with the fire near Kil. It is about two miles between the fires.

The forces of two stations were so far inserted in the Arvika fire

– this is an area of ​​about 400 meters in diameter that is currently burning .

Two wildfires rage Värmland.

Christoffer Krook

Winds favorable

Törnkvist does not suspect that Arvika's fire is landscaped.

– The probability is that it is the lightning that occurred

Good news for local residents is that the wind is turning and that it is blowing now from the nearest building

– So, at the present time, I do not think buildings are in danger.

The Säldebråten fire near Kil, a few kilometers further north, was discovered at 3 pm. He is fought by the forces of Karlstad, Kil and Högboda.

– The fire is spreading fast enough, said Nils Weslien, chief relief officer for emergency preparedness, first in the Northwest Territories.

In this situation, the fire was declared in an area of ​​about 100 Highway 61.

Four water bombs fired by a seaplane

This fire is probably caused by a storm that burned several days before the fire.

At 4:30 pm, the Weslian relief chief says:

an area that is at least 250 times 250 meters, but it seems that the fire is no longer spreading.

However, the plan can not be communicated to Arvika.

– But I have just heard the MSB (Authority for Emergency and Social Protection) that two Portuguese firing plans are sent to Örebro's Arvika, says Weslien

A 18 hours, the firefighting plan had started its bombardment of water. On the other hand, it is very difficult to fight fire from the ground as it is not possible to pull the pipe up to the fire.

At 19:40, the fire of Arvika is under control. However, flies will continue to bombard the water before landslides take over.


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