Forest fires continue to rage in the country


On Monday morning, it burns in 27 different locations across the country according to the SOS Alarm compilation, while the risk of fire can reach extreme levels.

– The risk of new fires is very high. Britta Ramberg, director of operations of the Swedish Civil Protection and Preparedness Agency, said that this was the case in southern Sweden and in Mälardalen

in Järna, the Mälardal region. The fire covering about 4,000 square meters is under control, reports SVT Södertälje.

MSB is still working to review the resources for the country and ensure that they are distributed to the emergency services who need them most.

"We work closely with our northern neighbors and the EU," says Britta Ramberg

In Hälsingland, the location of the fires in the municipality of Ljusdal is the worst. Kårbölebranden, which includes fires around Enskogen, Ängra and Nötberget, is the biggest fire of the region. On Monday night, fires broke out in Ängra, reports P4 Gästrikland.

At the same time, the night was a little cooler and wet and it suffered less in Ljusdal

– The situation may worsen tomorrow afternoon, it will warm up, says Andreas Bengtsson, deputy chief of staff

The firefighter who worked on the extinction of Kårbölebranden was redirected and will instead be sent to Trängslet in Älvdalen

In several places , the emergency service works to improve burns for the still hot weather. You will also join two Norwegian helicopters and 40 German firemen

The forest fires at Trængslet ravage for more than a week and two VMAs have been issued for the region.

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When the fire spread to the treetops, rescue and helicopters evacuated the bombed area, despite the worsening of the deterioration.

Staff members remained in the smoke in front of the fire and were rescued by one of the helicopters.

– They were without communication, they basically had the shadow of the radio, said Emma Jidemyr, communications officer at Mora Firefight

The staff saved had no mobile cover or coverage via Rakel. uses to communicate with.

– None of them is damaged, so it was fine. It could be bad, but it's not, "said Emma Jidemyr.

On Monday, staff will work specifically to improve mobile coverage in the area, tells Emma Jidemyr.

Read more: Lights Historic forests in Sweden

helicopters, two of which connect from Norway, work on fire extinguishers during the day and at 9 am there are also 40 people from the German rescue service. cloud clouds wait in the area.

– The weather seems rather favorable.In the afternoon, there may be more powerful wind turbines, but in the evening it seems to calm down again, says Emma Jidemyr

On Sunday, the rescue service began to fight the fire in the crowd by burning more wood.According to the rescue service, the level of protection in the region is the largest in Sweden.The area to be burned is 800 hectares and the pro tection will burn for several days

Read more: How forest fires come out of space

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