Forest fires in Ljusdal are exacerbated by the wind


Forest fires continue to spread in Sweden.

Fire in Ljusdal municipality has now crossed the border into Härjedalen

– When the wind increases during the day, we expect a high risk of spread, "says Hans Nornholm, Operations Manager fires in Hälsingland.

French and Italian aircraft such as water bombs, helicopters and marching personnel – all necessary to fight the fires that ravage mainly Gävleborg, Jämtland, Dalarna and Härjedalen

– We managed to keep fire during the night. The fire from Nötberget has crossed the border to Härjedalen and we are working to stop at the county border. When the wind comes to light, we expect a high risk of spread, "says Hans Nornholm


Spreads uncontrolled

In the morning, the fire begins with new forces and bombs to water in the fire of Nötberget. In Engelsogen and Ängra Östra, helicopters are used

– The burning fire in Engelsogen is spreading a completely uncontrolled front to the north. The Östra fire spreads directly to the east, where we recover energy with helicopters, says Nornholm.

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The fire in the municipality of Ljusdal

May be until next week

The fire from Brattsjö to Örnsköldsvik will soon be in its third day and is out of control. About fifty people and three helicopters are working to extinguish the area two kilometers wide and five kilometers long. "During the night, we drove extremely hard because there was wind and moisture, so we tried to extinguish and prevent the spread, but the fire continues to flare," said Mats Renning, commander-in-chief of the rescue service. Örnsköldsvik

– We believe that we will hold at least Monday morning before we receive this order

Ask for "a kind and honest bereavement"

The emergency service did not ask for support because of the bomb has three helicopters on hand. We hope rather to help in the form of rain.

– It's awfully dry here, it has not been raining here for almost two months. Mats Renning

– It's going to rain this weekend, but it's going to be lightning and it does not benefit the work for us, we need to think about how to handle it. You just want to have an honorable summer rain if you say so. The one that lasts a while – not just a splash of 3 millimeters, because it does not matter.

Nine helicopters in the air

In Jämtland, the situation remains essentially unchanged, "Afrasbladet Niclas von Essen, chief of staff of the rescue service, told Fadaelsjö-Lillåsen today. and we have put together a lot of effort to be able to make an appropriate response to the fire at Exmyrkullen / Grötingberget.We will have nine helicopters that will work with the fire at nine o'clock, says Niclas von Essen

The public interest in helping is great.

– We have a lot of volunteers but the difficulty lies in their management and organization.We can not just send them, they need management of work, which makes it a bit difficult, "said Niclas von Essen

German helicopters en route

The two French bombs arrived on Thursday will start working on Friday even helicopters Lithuanian and German were offered for help.
– The Lithuanian helicopter, in fact, I do not know exactly when it will happen, where we still have a dialogue, "said Irene Christenssen, communications manager.
– The German helicopters, on the other hand, we heard coming over a day, which is still a vague timing, unfortunately, but they arrive. This is confirmed.

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