Forest fires in Sweden require volunteers to help


Several challenging wildfires continue to breed in Sweden. At the moment, it burns in about 60 places in the country. In the evening, the Italian bombing plan is expected

– We miss almost everything. Equipment and crew, says Torbjörn Wannqvist, commander in charge of fires in the municipality of Ljusdal.

Alerts about new fires entered the night and it burns in 60 locations in the country. The worst victims are the forest areas of Gävleborg County, Dalarna and Jämtland County.

In 14 countries, the relief service is looking for volunteers over the age of 18 to help out in Pålgård, Ragunda municipality. Niclas Jarlås, communications officer at the municipality, was very responsive.

– He always calls. He's starting to approach a hundred threads and he's still ringing, he says.

The need for volunteers is great. The emergency service calls 20 people per opportunity, at four different times for three days – starting today.

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Strong fire ban

The ban on fire was strengthened and the public can not grill on the barbecues already installed. In the municipality of Ljusdal in Gävleborg, it now burns in five locations in Ängra, covering an area of ​​400 to 500 hectares. In Kårböle, the public is invited to enter the interior and close doors, windows and ventilation.

A camp and some houses have been evacuated, but no building will be in danger the day before. According to Torbjörn Wannqvist, captain, there are several fires in the municipality and another day of wind blowing again,

– They worked and wore all night. We need more staff and equipment. There is a lack of everything really. The problem is that we do not have people to solve. Some work in a quarter of 24 hours. We are trying to get more resources from neighboring counties via the County Board of Directors. During the day, Dan Eliasson, Director General of the Civil Protection and Preparedness Authority (MSB) of the Municipality of Ljusdal, is associated with Gävleborg Governor, Per Bill, to meet the rescue service [19659012].

READ MORE: Here are the forest fires in Sweden

More fires in the north

Still in Härjedalen, the rescue service is occupied by several fires including a south of Sveg big like 1,600 hectares. It has spread in many places during the night.

– We have a number of helicopters in the air. According to Henrik Jansson, commander in chief of the rescue service of Härjedalen, the biggest fire is not really encircled, and we will see how things will happen today.

At half-past twelve the chief of the rescue invited all those who were in Olingdal and Harjasjon to Härjedalen to escape. According to Swedish radio, the region is due to the strong spread of forest fires.

To the north of Älvdalen, north of Dalarna, firefighters from Södertörn arrived. Here, the extinction of the land, which consists of mountains and peat bogs alike, is complicated and there are no roads in the area. But today, there is no danger of explosive ordnance.

– Where we enter the area today, there should be no ammunition. So, for now, we do not see this as a problem, says Anders Attehed, a member of the Mora Presidential Corps.

Firefly lands tonight

The two Italian fireplanes are expected to land in Örebro tonight and stay in Sweden for eight days. The hope is that those who have the ability to raise 6,000 liters of water at a time can put an end to the worst fires.

– We see that resources are starting to grow. It's bogged down. This is especially true for the staff, "said Britta Ramberg, assistant director of the MSB Readiness Unit

What can you do about it?

– What we are doing is strengthening with equipment and forest firefights.

Why Sweden does not have its own emergency exit?

– This is for a number of reasons. It is an extremely expensive resort and although it is an extreme place right now in Sweden, we are far from every summer. It must be placed in a broader risk perspective. But it's something we'll have to deal with this season, if we have the right resources for the risks, "she says.

Facts: "Important Messages" to the Public

Authorities sent four called Important Messages to the Public (VMA).

Two concern the municipality of Ljusdal. In one, an invitation is called to Ängra to leave, in the other, the inhabitants of Enskogen and around are also invited to evacuate.

In Älvdalen were invited Monday all those who were in the crowded shooting range to escape

The municipality urges all those affected by the fire to stay indoors and to close doors, windows and ventilation.

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