Forest fires in Sweden – SMHI's new nightmare prediction


The extensive forest fires in many parts of Sweden extinguish resources. At the same time, extremely high temperatures are expected even Wednesday, around 30 degrees, which complicates the work of extinction.

But now, it is clear that Jämtland County and Gävleborg have access to a separate Italian bomb on Wednesday. This confirms Monica Landin, communications officer at Jämtland Rescue Service, for Expressen.

Monica Landin, Communications Officer, Jämtland Rescue Service.

Photo: Rescue service at Jämtland

At 12:15, the first Italian firefighting aircraft, the CL 415 type, swept Orrmosjön to Härjedalen and launched the lorries. water. 16 seconds later, he was back in the lake to fill up with water, reports SVT News Jämtland.

An unexpected event occurred when the aircraft was fetching water for the first time.

– My colleague managed to get in touch with the owner of the boat, so now the boat is on shore, "Kenneth Warga tells the Swedish police.

They now have a huge job ahead of them.

Here, Sweden is currently burning


– Southeast of Särna, in the municipality of Ävldalens, burns an area five times five kilometers. The accommodation was asked to leave the area.

– Forest fires in an area west of Torgås and Lima in the Västerdalas reappeared on Tuesday evening.

– At the Jerkersbodberget between Leksand and Dala-Järna, forest fires are under control.


– Several forest fires are raging in the municipality of Ljusdal. Three different VMAs were issued

Jämtland County / Härjedalen

– It burns east of Lillhärdal. The fire is far from being under control. Accommodation in Olingdal, Härjeåsjön and Olingsjövallen are evacuated.


– Circulation 65,000 square meters burns in the woods of Båglan in Nykvarn. The fire is not yet linked, but the situation is under control.


– Eleven fires in progress in the county. Nine occurred on Tuesday. Two large forest fires ravage the municipality of Jokkmokks in Klockarmyren and Lappmoberget.


– Forest fire outside Tierp. Under control but not yet extinguished.


– At 500 meters 500 meters east of Ransby, a few kilometers from Sysslebäck. The fire is under control.

– Forest fire at Sundhagsfors, northwest of Skillingmark.


– Fires in the eastern part of Småland. Helicopters circulate in the vicinity of Hultsfred and try to amortize the fire.


– Forest fires in the municipality of Vindelns.


– Forest fire in the vicinity of Remmarn in the municipality of Örnsköldsvik. The rescue service says the recent county trials are over for now.


– He burns in the Villingsberg range outside Garphyttan.


– On Tuesday, several small fires broke out in the county – including a fire in a wooded area in Bredaryd and a fire in Norra Grohult in Vaggeryd. Demolition work is being done along Highway 126 outside Vrigstad.

Source: SVT News

At 11 am Wednesday morning, 32 fires ravaged lands around Sweden, says SOS Alarm.

Currently, eight AVMs are important messages for the public, three of which were published in Ljusdal, two in Älvdalen, one in Ragunda and two others in Härjedalen

The municipality of Ljusdal hit hard

the municipality from Ljusdal to Hälsingland is extremely hard hit by fires. During the night, several firefighters fought on Wednesday.

– Of the five fires we are working with, three have not been under control in the afternoon, says Torbjörn Wannqvist, chief of rescue in southern Hälsingland on Wednesday morning. We see them spreading fast enough. There is a small company called Kårböle, which is on the front, and that can jeopardize the risk if we can not stop the fire. We have already evacuated a number of people to a retirement home to escape panic.

Skåne sends relief personnel

The Skåne Northwest rescue service and other Skåne rescue services – Gävleborg staff sends a press release.

– Of course, we want to do what we can to support and help in a very difficult and tense situation. According to Jonathan Sjöberg, Skåne Nordvest Rescue Service's Director of Operations, cooperation and assistance during extraordinary events and crises is crucial.

Skåne rescue personnel will travel to Gävleborg tomorrow. People who climb will stay for 3-4 days and will then be released.

READ MORE: Fierce firefighters struggle: "The worst thing we talked about"

Here are the fires that are not under control

The fishing area of Engelsogen and a fishing camp at Ängra were also evacuated earlier.

What three fires are you currently controlling?

– These are the lights around Kårböle – Ängra, Nötberget and Enskogen. Ängra and Enskogen almost collapsed to form a fire. Nötberget is located to the north of these two – and if we do not get married here, they will meet.

Areas of English and Angels that burned as well as ongoing fires on Tuesday night.
Copernicus, USA, published 17/7 20:24
Areas of Ängra that burned as well as ongoing fires.
Photo: Copernicus, EU, published 17/7 20:24
Areas of English that burned and burned in progress
Photo: Copernicus, EU, Published 17 / 7 20:24

will save the forest areas most exposed to flames.

One of the plans of the CL 415, which buys 6,000 liters of water at a time, arrived Tuesday night in Örebro. Wednesday morning, it was clear that one of them had been sent to Jämtland and the others to Gävleborg.

Swedish radio writes that Italian flames will fly at low altitude

In this regard, the public is invited to stay away.

Copernicus, US, published 17/7 20:24 [19659000] Copernicus, USA, published 17/7 20:24

Region burned and burned in Hammarstrand, Jämtland.

Photo: Copernicus, USA, published 17/7 20:24 [19659006]

READ MORE: Fredrik Sjöshult: Stupidity stopped Swedish water bombs

"Playing a very important role"

Torbjörn Wannqvist says that the firefly will play a very important role in the fight against fire:

– They play a crucial role. Without them, I do not think we can handle that. We have no effect with only helicopters, they can only limit the fires.

Several smaller communities were evacuated as a direct result of forest fires. In Härjedalen, some 60 properties have been evacuated in Olingdal, Olingsjövallen and in the vicinity of Härjeåsjön south of Sveg, reports TT. Even Lillhärdal can be spatialized.

READ MORE: Housing is forced to fly off its property

The Worst Case: Evacuation

City Council Anders Häggkvist wrote Tuesday evening on the website of the municipality of Härjedalen:

If we have to evacuate Lillhärdal on Wednesday but we are preparing for the worst scenario, we need air support to stop the fire, in the worst case it will take maybe evacuate Lillhärdal, it depends on the fire. " About the situation in Storbrättan in Lillhärdal, south of Sveg, says Jörgen Eriksson, Chief of Staff of the Jämtland Rescue Federation:

– We have here a fire of about one thousand hectares that we do not control.However, the hope is to take control during the day.But if it starts to blow, the situation can be completely changed in one hour

On Wednesday morning, the chief of staff, Jörgen Eriksson, was informed of the message that they are the first ones:

– We were informed by the MSB, the 39, social welfare and emergency agency, it feels good, then we have the resources we can get rid of, he says to P4 Jämtland

to other helicopters

Fågelsjö-Lillåsen, south of Sveg, you fight another brand, according to Jörgen Eriksson

– There is a big fire spreading in North, East and West – a bit like it feels.

On Tuesday evening, Sweden asked for even more EU helicopters.

Morgan Johansson (S): "It's the third time"

Wednesday, Justice and Interior Minister Morgan Johansson (S) told SVT:

– What is important now is to strengthen our preparation. So flights and helicopters can complement this. I would like to see a solution where several countries share these costs. Negotiations within the EU now aim to give the EU its own capacity, this may be necessary because climate change can lead to more extreme situations. When I receive this resource, I want certain resources to be placed in the Nordic countries.

He also told SVT:

– You must know that we rarely use firefighters. MSB wants more firefighting

According TT, the Civil Protection and Preparedness Authority, MSB has sent an additional request to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism if there is more firefighters – in addition to the two from Italy. In addition, you can cancel the vacation of employees:

– You must make sure in different ways that you have not only the ability here and now, but also over time. So, yes, we started calling people over the holidays, so we have enough organization to handle that, "says Britta Ramberg, Fire Operations Director, MSB

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