Four years lost after the fire 2014 –


It is a personal and economic tragedy for those who suffer and for Sweden. But those who fight with the fires make a hero's effort and will be very grateful for their efforts.

That it is dry and that the risk of fire increases enormously is difficult to do anything but could Sweden be better prepared? Yes, Sweden should have been better prepared

After the forest fires in Västmanland 2014, where a billion dollar forest was burned down, the Alliance government decided to go ahead with the fires. investigate and propose measures to better prevent and manage similar authorities. . With the help of the survey, we could learn from what has happened in Västmanland and strengthen the civil preparedness of our country.

This possibility has, however, been lost. After the appointment of Stefan Löfven as prime minister, the investigation was limited and the time of investigation shortened. Instead, S and MP took the responsibility of identifying the improvement measures.

The current government has limited a major investigation into the country's crisis response to allow the responsible authority to manage the fire in Västmanland to assess its own shortcomings. is the most remarkable. It is a management of which our moderates are very critical, stressing the importance of resuming a vast emergency investigation.

Today, we see the result of this sloop by not taking any steps and preparing for the fire in the Västmanland. There is no coordination between the responsible authorities.

We are short of capacity, we are short of personal watercraft, we are short of firefighters, we lack fire fighting equipment and we are not preparing for a major fire and so on. We also lack clear leadership for such major disasters. At the same time, it is clear that firefighting measures now depend entirely on foreign aid.

The government has wiped out the four years of possible planning and preparation after the Västmanland 2014 fire.

That forest owners, farmers and fire zone residents are now seeing their work done. life go up in smoke is a big disaster. In addition, whether the Swedish government has not taken the necessary measures after the last fire to reduce the damage is totally unacceptable. The Alliance government is certainly not innocent in what happened in spring 2014. But the current Löfven government has not learned the shortcomings that were in 2014 and has used the time to improve them is unacceptable and should be criticized. Today, it is the forest owners, the farmers and the inhabitants of the region who can pay the price of this negligence. Better prepared, the damage could of course be reduced

Sten Bergheden (M),

Rural political spokesperson

Member of the Riksdag of Skaraborg

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