Fourth person arrested after Guldheden's murder in Gothenburg


It was May 20 earlier this year that a man was shot in a car at Guldheden in Gothenburg

The man was 35 years old.

A masked gunman should have opened fire and with several other people Then disappeared from the place in a blue car, according to witnesses of the event.

Now, a fourth person has been arrested on suspicion of being involved in the murder, GP writes.

The man is from Stockholm Strait, writes the newspaper. He was arrested on Friday on suspicion of murder.

READ MORE: Extra person seized after a murder

Details of the person are not clear, however.

– We chose not to comment on these details.

Three people were arrested earlier

Previously, three people were arrested on suspicion of being involved in the murder.

Last week, the last suspect was arrested for murder and violent crimes.

On top of that, two teenage girls are arrested.

Among them, one is detained for probable reasons of murder and violent crimes, the other for murder and violent crimes.

Earlier, Attorney Linda Viking had a good picture of how the murder occurred.

READ MORE: Another Detainee Suspected of Being Involved in the Murder of Gold

– We Work Very Well Since May 20 . We have collected a lot of information to compile and analyze. We will also hear more people, she told the WG

The deceased was previously known to the police. The incident was linked by the police to an ongoing gang conflict.

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