France builds solar and wind energy | Gothenburg after


France will triple its wind capacity by 2030 and its production five times higher than solar energy, in line with a long-term energy plan.

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According to Macron, the government will increase its annual renewable energy investments by the equivalent of 51.5 billion to 82.4 billion. Between 2019 and 2028, the equivalent of SEK 731 billion will be invested.

Nuclear-dependent France lags behind the rest of Europe and only one-fifth of electricity consumption comes from renewable sources.

Environmental requirements

Macron says consumer prices for renewables should be kept low, notably through increased competition and further elimination from neighboring countries. In addition, more and more players are tempted to sell energy in the country through a reform of the energy market.

The president is now responding to the demands of environmentalists on whom he is forming a coalition.

According to Macron, 14 French nuclear reactors of the energy company EDF 58 will be closed before 2035. However, no reactor, with the exception of Fessenheim on the German border, will be closed before 2022.

Do not close completely

The government will not completely eliminate nuclear power, but its share will be reduced from 75% to 50% by 2035.

I was not chosen for the promise to shut down nuclear power plants, but to reduce the share of nuclear energy to 50%, said Macron during a televised speech.

The president also said that nuclear power would continue to be an important part of the national energy supply, but that the decision to build new nuclear reactors would not be made until 2021.

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