Ghost objective: a judge accused of being a member in good standing


In October, charges against Ghost singer Tobias Forge were dismissed by the Linkoping District Court. Four previous members of the group would have
replace Forge for its costs of just over 1.3 million.

The verdict
uses Court of Appeal of Göta. But the four former members of the gang also demanded that the verdict of the district court be revoked and that the trial be reconsidered.

They consider that the councilor, who was president of the district court, is disloyal because he and Tobias Forge are both members of the Order of Freemasonry. The data comes from the board of a member.

Attorney Michael Berg, who represents the four fellow musicians, writes to the court that the singer and counselor were also members of the same section of this word, called "Fourth Division".

"It is not a question of whether or not you can join a union like the Order of Freemasonry, of course there are many prosecutors, lawyers and judges ", said Michael Berg at DN, and continues:

"But this type of membership, in a union that treats fraternity, love and trust, can lead to an idiotic situation that means you can not manage goals when another member of the association is a party.

The Order of Freemasonry is one of the most established organizations in the country, in which only men are welcomed as members, as well as secret rituals. According to the Swedish Frimurare Order Association, there are currently around 15,000 members in Sweden and Finland.

Correspondent of Östgöta, as be the first to report on new allegations,
was Thursday in touch with the advisor who said that it was up to the court of appeal to judge whether it was disloyal or not.

– I can not have any opinion about it in my role as the one who is designated as disgusting. You can go to someone else to make a decision, "said the newspaper advisor, adding that he did not think it would be considered disgusting.

Ann-Charlotte Söderlund Björk, Tobias Forge's attorney, told DN that she did not want to comment on this information, adding that Tobias Forge was "on the other side of the world".

The Östgöta correspondent reports that the court of appeal has not yet ruled whether the trial should be reconsidered or not.

The Linköping trial The district court was preceded by a long and vicious conflict in Linköping's internationally recognized rock group. The former musicians – as described by Forge as hired – claimed that they were working in a joint company and that the revenues had to be shared, which Forge rejected.

The Court found that fellow musicians could not demonstrate that there were agreements to obtain increased compensation. The case was therefore rejected in its entirety.

Read more: This is my survival record, says Tobias Forge

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