Girl was threatened with rape because she was not "muslim enough" – receiving damage


MALMÖ A girl now receives $ 20,000 in damages from the city of Malmö for the harassment she suffered at a school in the municipality. Boys told her that she should be raped because she is not Muslim enough.

2016 alerted parents about the situation in Johannesskolan, Malmö, where their six-year-old children were beaten and sexually harassed. The parents then told the chaos at Sydsvenskan school

– The boys threaten to rape her. Saying that their dads will fuck her. Call her hello. Ask what she has for religion. They do not think that she is Muslim enough, a father said about how his daughter is treated.

Sydsvenskan asked him if his family was also Muslim.

– Yes. And this is happening in front of the teachers. Nobody put an end to it, he replied.

According to TT, her daughter has now received $ 20,000 in damages from Malmö. Initially, the school did not think that the girl had been a victim of sexual harassment, but when an ideal organization threatened to take the case to court, they accepted a settlement and damages and interests.

The daughter is now attending another school in Malmö.

See also: Fresh Muslim: "Allah makes the flowers bloom …"

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