GM creates political risk for Trump


When Trump took place in early 2017, he started barking against car manufacturers – mostly GM, the most important – because they had factories in Mexico. It was not patriotic. When GM quickly recruited 1,500 people home, @realDonaldTrump immediately responded favorably.

A few days ago, we realized that GM would save $ 6 billion and lay off 15% of its staff. Four plants are closed in the United States. Three of these, two in Michigan and one in Ohio, are Trump states. There, people live as he promised a better life and a new good time.

The downsizing is mainly due to lower sales since last year in GM's two largest markets, the United States and China, and the company has too many brands. Among other things, they close the classic Chevrolet Impala. This is erase part of contemporary American history.

To top it all Misery tells GM that Trump's steel bills cost them $ 1 billion. He denies the president vigorously, as he must, because customs are part of the people's promise to make the United States stronger.

Trump's response to GM's factory closures is of course aimed at voters. He wants to prove himself: "General Motors would do better to open a new factory (Ohio) very quickly … // … I love Ohio, I told them (GM): You're playing with the bad person "The risk of driving business leaders via Twitter is that you can look helpless when they do not ring.

GM's choice is radical: they focus on large gas-powered SUVs and light trucks on which they have a lot of room for maneuver, deposit a number of sedan and hybrid models and instead use clean electric cars. It could be fair. But it is too early to say. For this reason, politicians should never have any opinion on business strategies nor encourage them to be "loyal" to the nation. Because this can be completely wrong and no politician can take responsibility for it.

The tax cuts to be heard in the business world, but they will not save the United States from lower growth in the future. Similarly, Trump can not be held responsible for GM closures. It will be a challenge to communicate it to voters.

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