Great police initiative outside the police Uddevalla very lucky | Gothenburg after


Several police patrols were alerted early Saturday morning to a property in the forest outside Uddevalla. He indicates Bohusläningen

Shortly after the arrival of the police, the place was blocked. At first only part of the property, but later the lockouts were extended.

– I really have no comment on what happened. It is confidential on the whole preliminary investigation, "said Jenny Perlblad, investigator investigator at the Uddevalla police on Saturday night in Bohusläningen.

Police say this should be a preparation For rough crime but refusal to go into details The kit for maintaining order and lockouts also continued Sunday after setting up a guardian overnight. 19659002] The effort will continue until Monday, as it seems at the moment

– It will continue until the techniques are completed with its investigation, which is calculated tomorrow ", said Hans Lippens, presidential spokesman. ] Can you tell us what kind of work the police did on site?

– Yes, we did a search yesterday and took pictures and movies that were subjected to a technical investigation.

Is there death?

– No.

How serious is the situation?

– This is not so bad that we have to call additional staff anyway.

When should the police say what the case is about?

– No idea. Hans Lippens concludes: "It is only when the techniques are finished with their investigation, that it is up to them to decide"

A man arrested

Saturday, a man who was not not known to the police was arrested. property. He was arrested later in the afternoon by prosecutors, presumably suspected of preparing for the general devastation.

Police or prosecutors do not want to comment on the age of the man or recognize or deny the crimes.

General devastation is a crime that can give between 1 and 18 years of imprisonment. This means that, for example, "explosion, flood, race, sinking, train or air crash" endangers life or property of others, according to chapter 13 of the crime bar.

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