HD announces them after the rape on Facebook – News in Uppsala – 24 hours a day


In January 2018, three men were involved in a rape of a woman in an apartment in Uppsala . The rape was filmed by a 24-year-old man who broadcast the video on Facebook.

Now the 24-year-old brothers of Supreme Court of the pursuit of failure to reveal the crime, HD announcement. The man will, however, be deceived for the rude mockery.

The man is arrested because "the transmission did not have grounds for protection that the prosecution for the crime must be judged in a special order", according to the court

Svea Hovrätt has already sentenced a 21-year-old man to two years and eight rape and murder, as well as an 18-year-old man sentenced to one year and four months in jail.

The Court of Appeal released the 24-year-old young man from rape but, in part, did not disclose the crime and the mockery transmission. All authors appealed, but only 24-year-olds received Supreme Court testimony.

HD notes that for someone to be convicted for failing to reveal a crime, disclosure must be possible without danger. Such a danger may be responsible for the crime itself.

Since the 24-year-old man was accused of involvement in rape but released at that time, he did not refrain from revealing rape, according to HD

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