He may be the champion of the county final team – Norrköping


You have iron two meters long to handle without power tools, and you will have up to three and a half hours to make the horseshoe and the horseshoe. For seven years, he prepared himself.

– I really feel like I have been examined. Two other champions who watch his work with the lupp, he feels very tall to look at, says Chrichan Ivarius.

We find ourselves in one of the Skogslott stables near Svärtinge, from which he pulls the horses for twenty years. As a young man, he was very interested in horses, but he only went to the stable of the sport license when everyone was allowed to come and ride.

Chrichan Ivarius completed the master's degree test in the warehouse, becoming the twenty-first Swedish army champion since the early 90's.

– The stable was full of girls, it was difficult to get in as a guy. 19659004] But at eighteen he started riding in a riding school, and it was then that the interest of the horse began, and a few years later, he began to s & # 39; 39, lead

. need. You can not start seeing dollar signs for the eyes but do not do anything more than the body can handle, many people make a mistake like new in the industry and are struggling quickly, "said Chrichan Ivarius [19659004] One hour, customers live around Norrköping and the horses are good, only in Östergötland there are between sixteen and twenty thousand horses

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Chrichan Ivarius finished the championship test in the warehouse, becoming the twenty-first champion of the Swedish army since the early 1990s.

– We could be a gangster in Norrköping, he is very difficult to find someone who has time for them, says Chrichan Ivarius

We enter the stable where he goes to pick up the Gipsy horse, installs it in the stables and raises a first, it will be crushed and the old shoe will be removed, then he works the hoof and the nets down to make it equal.

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Chrichan Ivarius has completed the paragliding master's test, becoming the twenty-first Swedish army champion since the early 90's.

– The difficulty is that all the horses are different . Each shoe must be personalized for that particular terrain. If I put it five millimeters obliquely it will go five millimeters obliquely for seven weeks, says Chrichan Ivarius.

The new shoe is heated in the oven to form and get the hole of the hedge. In recent years, he has visited a series of army champions to learn how to make horseshoes for the championship test, but in his business he uses designer shoes

  Article Image [19659011] PICTURE: Monica Hansson </span></p>
<p>										<span class= |

Chrichan Ivarius completed the master's degree test in the warehouse, becoming the twenty-first chief armor of Sweden since the early 1990s.

– The master's letter is proof that I reached this level. But I will not start making shoes for sale. It's like running a marathon, it's an extremely heavy job, says Chrichan Ivarius.

In early autumn, he receives the last message when he was approved for the test, in which case he is the only active gangster in Norrköping. 19659032] Article Image ” width=”768″ height=”444″ title=”Chrichan Ivarius klarade mästarprovet i hovslageri, och blir Sveriges tjugoförsta hovslagarmästare sedan början på 90-talet.”/>


Chrichan Ivarius completed the master's test in the warehouse, becoming the twenty-first chief armor of Sweden since the early 1990s.

Footnote: In Sweden, there is has 2,600 spectators. ) {
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