Helicopter pilots who extinguished the forest fire stole their bags


BRAKES Helicopter pilots who were about to extinguish the wildfires at Äxingmyrkullen in Jämtland had a sad surprise when they returned to the depot

L & # 39; Express says that a gravel pit worked as a temporary helicopter during the extinction of forest fires in Äxingmyrkullen in the municipality of Bräcke. Several companies gathered there, but on Sunday afternoon, only Jämtlands Flyg AB helicopter pilots remained. When they went out to do their job after they left, they left their bags unattended

– They were about to leave, but they were driving one last time – so in the afternoon they were there and smothered those things. Moverare in Expressen

The bags contained personal effects such as jackets, wallets, car keys and house keys, valued at 25,000 crowns. There are also bags of tools and lifting equipment for the helicopter that are worth about the same.

– It is very sad that people can sink as low as we ride 24 hours a day and that pilots have slipped like animals to bend with these lights. And then, you get the thanks for getting rid of your personal belongings and helicopters, "said Daniel Moverare.

During the night, Monday, the security of the house was installed to protect the helicopter and other equipment.

Also read: Dan Eliasson: The worst fires can not be extinguished

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