Here is Lööf's obligation to release Löfven


income tax

The Center Party wants to reduce the income tax for all and Annie Lööf expressly mentions its intention to reduce the marginal tax considerably. The party wants to raise the threshold when payers start paying state income tax.

The Social Democrats want to reduce the tax of retirees but do not wish further tax cuts.


The center also wants to reduce the tax for businesses. The Riksdag voted in favor of reducing corporate taxes earlier this year, but C wants it to be even lower.

In general, the center party wants to reduce the number of rules for businesses, including tax rules.

The Social Democrats want simplification in the regulation of companies, but do not reduce their corporate tax any further.

Winning well-being

C wants more people to run health care companies and thinks the red-green government has made things too difficult. The party also wants to "further develop freedom of choice" in the field of health. Even with regard to the school, the Center wants greater freedom of choice throughout kindergarten for higher education.

The Social Democrats want, inter alia, to ban religious schools and have chosen to "stop the search for profit" in care, schools and care. S also wants to end the privatization of emergency hospitals and university hospitals.

rural policy

C wishes to facilitate construction, including removing parts of the beach shelter and removing the building permit requirement for those wishing to build near their farm. In addition, C wants to allow alcohol sales on the farm.

"To a greater extent, which is not explicitly forbidden to be allowed" should be stated in the election manifesto.

Social Democrats also want to review beach protection, but refuse to sell alcohol on the farm.

labor market

The center party wants to cut down on employers' gifts and remove them completely when companies hire someone who gets their first job and the company hires its first employee. Businesses that employ newcomers will lose employer contributions and pay a lower entry fee

Other C proposals in this area are to exempt small and medium enterprises from the rules of turbulence and to terminate the employment service. The Social Democrats want the employment service to remain.

The Social Democrats want to abolish fixed-term public jobs and introduce the rule of full-time. During the elections, the party wrote that it "rejects proposals that undermine employment security and wage reduction legislation".

housing policy

C does not want to introduce rent on the market, but wants to rent more than today, especially when it comes to newly built apartments. This would reduce the black trade with a lease, "said the party.

The Social Democrats want to maintain the current system of utility value to set rental rates.

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