High electricity prices in the approach of the winter – News


Electricity prices in motion are at a higher level than in previous years. This is partly due to the fact that Swedish and Norwegian magazines have very poor quality water and significantly contribute to higher prices. In addition, the price of carbon dioxide emissions has increased significantly, "says Daniel Engström, an electricity analyst at the Swedish Energy Agency, TT, noting that water levels have been rising. straightened quite well after the autumn rain.

Electricity consumption is now colder in colder periods: last week, electricity consumption in the Nordic countries increased by 15% compared to the previous week, writes the consulting firm Sweco in his weekly mail.

Electricity prices have risen because of cold weather, just because the demand is now rising, says Johan Bruce, Senior Advisor at Sweco.

Several factors

In addition to the more expensive emission allowances and the levels of hydroelectric power stations in the magazine are slightly below normal, electricity prices are also affected by the nuclear power situation in Belgium, according to Bruce.

The availability of nuclear energy in Belgium is very low because only one reactor is in progress and the rest is shut down because of technical problems that increase the price of electricity.

He also points out that fuel prices are crucial for the evolution of electricity prices in the winter.

As far as coal prices are concerned, we have recently seen a drop, due to an economic slowdown in China and, especially, to a situation of low water flow in German rivers. When it is not possible to transport coal to coal plants, the stock of ports overflows, explains Johan Bruce, explaining that these price factors should generate electricity prices higher than those of the Last winter.

Mobile or fixed

According to analyst Daniel Engström, about half of consumers pay the price of mobile electricity in their contracts.

And this is the case for moving electricity prices that are currently suffering, "he said.

A variety of factors that customers can not control affect prices. On the other hand, you can of course influence your own electricity consumption. The more kilowatts you save, the less you save.

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