Hovrätten: Lifetime for Gyllensvaan – Pages


The court goes to the line of District Attorney Helene Gestrin and Judges Gyllensvaan for the murder of Lekander spouses on June 11 last year. The 24-year-old man had appealed the verdict of the district court and hoped to be released. The court of justice, however, considers that the evidence is compelling and condemns the double murderer to the most severe punishment of the law.

The Court of Appeal writes in the judgment that the evidence against Gyllensvaan as a single offender is "very strong". The court writes, "Overall, the court finds that the evidence presented by the prosecutor in support of the prosecution is sufficient to conclude that it is Edvin Gyllensvaan who killed the husband Lekander. "

According to the court of appeal, nothing says because Gyllensvaan had an economic motive to kill the couple. In a long time, the court of appeal justifies why only the most severe punishment can be questioned: "The brutal approach to murder and other circumstances, according to the court of appeal. appeal, refers to an economic motive and because the explanation of the murders is found at Edvin Gyllensvaans. special mental problems. "The appeal court continues:" The conclusion can only be one, but the Lekander spouses are randomly chosen by an abuser in search of potential victims to realize the fantasies that he has long been injured and killed by other people. in a very cruel way, at first deprived of their freedom of movement, then through an intense and brutal violence, even their life, all express themselves because they do not did not have the opportunity to defend themselves, the events that led to their deaths were such that they had what was about to happen to them and to feel loud death songs, as well as sorrow and despair at the suffering that the other had to endure. "



Edvin Gyllensvaan during the trial at Linköpings tingsrätt Here with his lawyer, Henrik Lindblom

The prosecutor of the Chamber, Helene Gestrin, is Satisfied with the judgment:

– I agree with the Court that the accused alone was guilty of double brutal executions and that no one should have any doubt about what is happening in the house.

According to the Court of Justice, the conduct of Gyllensvaan was the current day "carefully planned with the aim of killing." The court writes: "Once he found his victims, two unknowns his actions on the scene have been characterized by a particularly strong cruelty and cruelty.Any other punishment than imprisonment on life can not be considered. "

Prosecutor Henrik Lindblom, who defended Gyllensvaan both before the district court that in the court of law, said that the verdict would probably not be appealed to the Supreme Court – unless his client is of a different opinion. "width =" 768 "height =" 444 "title =" Under rättegången i tingsrätten medgav Edvin Gyllensvaan att han var på brottsplatsen, men hävdade att någon annan person utövade det dödliga våldet. "/>


During the district court trial, Edvin Gyllensvaan admitted that he was at the scene of the crime, but claimed that another person had exercised the deadly violence.

– The judgment of the court of appeal is well written and the court responded to the objections we made against the verdict of the district court.

Henrik Lindblom spoke Wednesday with his client

– Of course, he had hoped for another outing, so it is clear that he was disappointed. But I do not want to comment on how he is.

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