Hundreds of unaccompanied people risk becoming homeless in Gothenburg | Gothenburg after


Last month, the high school in dispute received the green light from the Supreme Court of Migration. For Gothenburg, this means that 561 people, mostly 19 to 20 years old, can apply for a temporary residence permit in combination with secondary education.

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But for the group, a new challenge awaits soon, namely to put your head in the hair.

There is nothing the municipality will organize.

"This law makes it clear that adults are responsible for finding their own homes, like all other adults who study," says Marina Johansson (S), the social affairs council and chair of the Social Resources Council.

In addition to the government's spring change budget, municipalities have received government grants. The money would go to the efforts of unaccompanied people in the asylum process. For Gothenburg, it was about 15 million Swedish kroner.

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Government contribution received

In September, the Social Resources Council decided that 10 million crowns would go to NGOs working with victims of secondary education. This is Agape Gothenburg, KFUM Gothenburg, Rescue Mission, Defense Protection and SOS Villages Children.

"Our main idea is that it's a state issue." The state has pushed these municipal contributions and we hope they will continue. is not the responsibility of NGOs, "said Marina Johansson.

Agape is the only one working with housing solutions.

However, Agape itself asserts that their activities are primarily aimed at people who have forgotten their social security number and who are not part of the social security network of the company.

– We have covered a need to temporarily wait for a message. But does the city now think that it will be volunteers who will settle year after year? says David Nilsson, commercial coordinator at Agape.

Works for those who end up outside

Today, hundreds of people have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit, but the responsibility for finding housing rests with the individual.

– There are residents who will stay in Gothenburg with their full social security number, but no residence. Does the idea that they are out of roaming and make a living career? said David Nilsson.

Marina Johansson mentions that, like other homeless people in need, they can use social services.

"There is clear legislation, you can not just go out there and ask for housing, but you have to be in need," she says.

"A form of emergency residents"

Some young people who obtain a residence permit and are at risk of being on the street should be prepared. The Social Resource Board has decided to conclude an agreement for the rental of 125 seats at the Dalagärde Youth Hostel owned by the Office of Real Property. The lease expands between 2019-2020. It is supposed to be an emergency shelter for families with children and young adults.

"We are doing this from the city to prepare ourselves, homelessness is a major problem and the housing shortage is the fundamental problem," says Marina Johansson.

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