"I have a tip we check"


Kastellanoss, 25, is still at liberty. He may have also managed to escape the police network. Aftonbladet says that the witness saw a car with two men arriving in the morning in an area near Bäckadalen, where the escape should have taken place.

Shortly after, a person will come out of a nearby booth and go to the car. The car with the three people should have left the site after, reports sources to Aftonbladet.

– I can confirm that we received a tip that we check. We are in place with the people who were in charge, "said Christina Hallin, presidential officer of the police at NA.

Is it near the rumor of having moved? [19659002] – It's in the search box, says Hallin

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The police said Friday at 9 am that the search effort was still aimed at the previously searched area.

– Our hypothesis is that he stays and has no help during the day. We continue now during the day of research, said Christina Hallin, president of the NA police

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