Increased vulnerability with County Administrative Board – compliance with new animal rules


The county administrative commission took over the task of the police to eliminate dangerous animals as of June 1, 2018. This led to increased frustration and increased vulnerability of the staff of the board of directors. county, reports the newspaper. SR.

– Very upset and negative people contact one, it can be threatening. The police are not a private person in the same way, while the County Administrative Board has a duty to talk about what we call and it also becomes more vulnerable, says Hillevi Uppmanis, national project manager for the project. Resumption of animal data by the County Administrative Board.

READ MORE: Policeman: Police should avoid social tasks

In a threatening situation, the county board can ask for help, but it is unclear under what circumstances it can be granted. Now, the police and the County Administrative Board are using it to get clearer directions.

"We share the county board of directors' view that, in many of these problems, the legislator's intention is unclear," said Maria Thulin, supervisor of the police and SR security officer.

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