Irene Svenonius on the Karolinska economy: asks for the budget


According to forecasts, Karolinska will lose only half a billion dollars in the first half of this year. Finance Council Irene Svenonius is serious about the deficit and calls for tightening.

"I'm assuming Karolinska will start ambitious work to control the economy and reduce the deficit, and it may not be possible to reduce the deficit by half a billion in the next three months to zero. The focus should be on achieving the financial framework for 2019, says Irene Svenonius.

Have you been too bad and allocated too little money?

– No, I do not think their financial framework is too narrow. They have made major changes, but these changes also mean fewer patients. When you have a reduced mission, you must also work with business changes that reduce costs.

So, there will be no extra allowance for Karolinska?

"No, Karolinska has won nearly 600 million more in 2018 to reduce queues, end the summer and personal initiatives, no, I will ask Karolinska to respect his budget.

The consequence is that staff steal, how do you look at it?

"I'm afraid nurses do not stay in Karolinska, they're needed there, I'm expecting you to work harder to become attractive as an employer." Because permanent employees cost less that hired people and that only these recruits cost money.In the case of doctors, they may have simply moved your care on the road, in Danderyd or Sös, maybe not a robbery of staff.

Would not it be better to bring in the staff?

"Many employees complain that it is not clear who makes the decisions and who is responsible for the budget.I can see that there is a problem.The new board also identified this difficulty and will implement changes with clearer decision-making structures – there are no easy roads – it is a dialogue with the current leaders.

Is that all the model that is wrong, the number of managers has increased by 30%?

– In terms of decision-making structures, I can see the problem. But if there are too many managers, I want to start by investigating. Many complain about the lack of strong leadership in care. If Karolinska is working in a new way with closer leadership, that each manager must have a reasonable number of employees in order to be able to lead effectively, then more managers can benefit from the care.

Now, pediatricians strongly criticize the fact that newborns are placed in corridors of infection?

– Patient safety and where to place them, they must be physically competent. Whether it's patient-proof or not, I'm not a person to decide. We have a chief physician, a thematic doctor and a hospital director who has to assume the best way to take care of the children.

Another senior director, Harald Blegen, on the topic of cancer at Karolinska, sits on the board of directors of a company with which Karolinska cooperates. What do you think?

"We have great requirements on bisysslor to report and approve.In this case, it has been approved and this is not a business partner.I guess Karolinska has evaluated it in accordance to the county council 's ethical and moral rules and notes that management will now look forward to it.

"I think we should have high standards of ethics and morality, that you should not be in companies where you have removed financial interests, but not so high that existing knowledge can not be used to research and development.

Need a clearer control and rules regarding bisysslor?

"We have a clear policy of not mixing our roles on the county council, and we have also decided to appoint a county-level law enforcement officer to review and follow the rules. This person is being recruited at the moment, says Irene Svenonius.

The opposition also criticizes Karolina 's budget hole, which has side effects on the county' s overall health care, including Erika Ullberg (S), opposition board:

"What concerns me the most is the escape from competence, the inclusion of many managers and the lack of care. We must choose a new direction in which they do not follow the untested business model and deeply question the consultants in order to regain their confidence and control over the economy.

The Social Democrats believe that the new economic model should be abandoned.

"I think you should abolish it and make changes." It's not possible to go back and make things disappear, and there are problems and potential for development in all business models. this solution was not tested in a university hospital at all and did not benefit Karolinska, "says Erika Ullberg.

Read more: The Karolinska Cancer Chief is in companies with which the hospital cooperates

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