Isabella Lövin, of the eco-responsible, talks about forest fires: an alarm clock


The extremely hot and dry summer has burned Swedish forests in more than 80 locations. Isabella Lövin (MP) Minister for International Development and Climate and Deputy Prime Minister wants the situation to be taken seriously:

– The situation is extremely serious, both in Sweden and throughout the hemisphere North.

Lövin lists warnings and fires in New Zealand, California, Canada, the Middle East, Great Britain, and Siberia.

– It's a wake-up call for the whole world that we need to reduce emissions. the economy, and we have to do it now – that can not wait.

– What we see now is examples of what happens to an increasingly hot climate. We get greater effects in the northern hemisphere, Scandinavia and the Arctic than in the equator. That's exactly what the researchers said. If we do nothing, we will see a warmer climate of 5 to 6 degrees in Sweden at the end of this century. What we see now is the effects of a degree increase, says Isabella Lövin, and continues:

– We must change and we must do it quickly. Those who talk about the cost of this conversion should relate it to costs that should not be redeployed. Then we risk the supply of water and food around the world and huge damage to infrastructure, with huge floods and fires. It is serious and we do not have the right to defer the climate

The government has been criticized by the representatives of several parties of the alliance, because there is more of resources available for fires

. the climate. We are convinced that we need more resources to deal with the floods and fires we are now experiencing and that we want to put the accent on them.

More: No sign of fire forest is decreasing

Read more: Fires are calculated to become historically expensive

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