Italian Plan of Water Bomb in the Far East | Gothenburg after


Since then, he has burned on Koppefjäll in Färgelanda since Tuesday afternoon.

The wind made the extinction operation difficult for the rescue service which, in the evening, was attended by two Italian planes as a water bomb.

– This gave a good effect. According to Johan Ytterberg, commander-in-chief of Närf, a plan can release 6,000 liters of water in one turn

It tells that the night is calm and that it is about 12 hectares affected by the fire

. The weather report says it will increase during the day, so we will have access to two helicopters that will help to bombard the water, he says.

The time that helicopters can bring them is currently uncertain.

– They can go on the highest priority issues so we'll see how long we can keep them. It burns in the middle of the fire zone, but it is wet on the edges, we estimate that twelve firefighters will remain in the morning,

Norra Älvsborg the rescue federations sent firefighters to the north to help the big ones fires in central Sweden, giving

– It is definitely hard to work with the staff if you are free and you come on vacation, but we have a mix of full-time and part-time fighters, and that Go, he says.

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