It's good that even powerful women fall


"Where are the bastards of Anna Maria Corazza Bildt?" Ulrica Schenström asks Aftonbladet. This after the moderate MEP was removed from the list for the European elections next year. "Everyone deserves the same support as Sara Danius, no matter where we come from: politics, media, business, academia or culture," Schenström said.


Leave the insects tied in the wardrobe! The idea that we should all engage in the fate of moderates through a manifestation of fire is blurred. The fact that an otherwise wise person like Ulrica Schenström suggests such a thing has to be a manifestation of the most stifling demands of Swedish feminism – namely that women have the duty to defend other women.

The politics of identity also comes from the right

I do not understand the so-called sister. Of course, women often share their experiences. But that does not mean that women are always in agreement – or that one woman always represents the interests of all other women. Liberals tend to shy away from pointing out that there are opinions that should be represented politically, not group affairs.

Therefore, it becomes particularly uncomfortable when the members of the right ask for a varied support in the political-identity bed: Woman – Breath! Done, ready, tie!

"It's easier for the glass floor to come out of a stiletto heel than a sturdy leather sole. Especially when bursting the floor when the stiletto heel goes with hard and determined steps." Steps such as we expect from a strong leader, "writes poetically.It is a simple model of explanation.

The glass floor is no longer on the ground floor but on several floors. Looking here, the outlook is better, but the drop is of course higher.

Do not rinse on glass floors and glass roofs

The women that Schenström counts in her column – Birgitta Ohlsson, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt and herself – are not fragile dolls. They have all been the subject of unfair and legitimate criticism, and two of them – so that Corazza Bildt is not yet counted – have left the top of the policy. But did that depend on patriarchy? Barely.

Birgitta Ohlsson is a brilliant politician. But she challenged the party leader and lost because she had miscalculated the strength of her support. The loser leaves or stops in the freezer, these are the rules of politics.

Ulrica Schenström resigned as secretary of state because she had run out of judgment drinking wine one night while she was in a hurry.

It is not a gender issue that female prosecutors are held accountable for their mistakes and errors in judgment. It's equality – that women can climb and fall, just like men.

The patriarchy did not allow Sven Otto Littorin to gently land on a reinforcement of fraternity during his fall. It seems, like Schenström himself, having managed to erase the glass tray and to go up anyway.

It blows on the top, it's so simple. This does not mean, of course, that we should abolish empathy. It may be thought that a spokesperson is right in obtaining the consequences of an error assessment without having to deal with them.

A fraternity that means women stand by their backs is no better than the hero's patriarchy. Gender equality demands that women acquire their own merits – and do it on their own.

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