It's time for Sweden to wake up to cannabis


When will the Swedes understand that the criminalization of cannabis is not only completely illogical, but also a direct violation of our rights as "free" individuals.

Is it a coincidence that legal drugs like alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and sugar are also taxed?

The argument that this would be harmful no longer means that the state would care about us and protect us from dangerous substances. It's a joke about the cost of alcohol-related violence, obesity and diabetes due to excessive sugar intake.

As a country, we must renew ourselves, abandon these old illogical ideas and begin to question the laws and regulations in force. We live in a society where individuals who dare to stand out by their opinions become objects of fervor and hatred. But how should we, as a society, be able to move forward if we are not receptive to new information and new opinions?

The change is too unpleasant for many, it is the fear that keeps us in the same pattern without being able to improve. Legalizing cannabis involves not only more tax revenue, but also a hope, a hope that it is actually possible to change the established structure for the better for all of us. It's an oppression in which we live, illicit crimes such as cannabis use should not put you in jail. It should be a fundamental right to let the individual decide completely what it does with his own body.

In Sweden we are always at the forefront of equality, immigration and social protection. In terms of freedom, we are not as advanced as we would like to believe.


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