It's time to switch to winter tires


Low pressure from Norway in southern Sweden caused a lot of rain, but mainly strong winds.

Southern Sweden

It is not only in the north of Sweden that we will know the snow, but now in the south of Sweden.

A warning about coal has been issued and, having said that, it will really explode.

In Halland and Skåne, the time will be 24 seconds per second, reports Expressen. Then there is Gotland who will have to stay tight in the hat.

Northern Sweden

As we know, there has already been snow in the north, but it will be a bit more difficult. Snowy rains are expected in the coastal country of southern Norway. Wet lanes can be frozen and then they can become really lame.

The new low pressure

It is Friday that we will feel more chilled, as a new low pressure penetrated into the south of Sweden. The result? Probably the first snowfall of the season for Svealand and Götaland.

So where will it snow? According to forecasts, Dalarna, northern Närke and Östvärmland County will be the snowiest. And on Saturday, there could also be snowfall in Sörmland, Västergötland, Östergötland and Småland, according to Expressen.

Winter vibes

The stupid weather is that there will probably be a lot of rain and waste at the same time, which may lead us to not prepare ourselves.

– It starts with rain and changes nose. Saturday, quite large quantities will occur at the same time, so that the snow can be stopped even if it does not last long, she says Tora Tomasdottir who is a meteorologist at Storm Weather in Expressen.

All of Sweden, in addition to the Skåne coast, will have a winter feeling in a few days.

"Unless you live on the coast of Skåne, it's just as good to change the winter tires now," says Tora Tornasdottir.

Screw the winter tires

Yes, listen and be surprised, according to the meter, it is already possible for all car owners to turn on the winter tires. But if you live on the coast of Skåne, you can do it without changing a moment.

"Winter is walking," Tora Tomasdottir concludes.

In various forms, some parts are covered with snow and others with frosts with a very fresh air.

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