Jakob Johansson on the success of the World Championship: "wanted to be there …"


The shadow of midfielder Jakob Johansson was most involved in advancing the Swedish world championship to the final match in Russia.

In the first playoff match against Italy, at home at the Friends Arena, he had to jump in instead of Albin Ekdal at the 0-0 position.

He did not need many minutes before he was small until he was behind Buffon without hope. 1-0 Sweden. Uphill Italy

– This was not so stupid, it was almost the first contact. It was great to see the first leg, Jakob Johansson told the GT after the match.

"Stay tuned for that"

Back on San Siro, however, it was not behind Buffon but in Jakob Johansson's knee. Joy after 0-0 and advancement to the world championships on a hot San Siro in Milan was toned down by Johansson's injury.

Shortly after came the message of the nightmare: the band – Johansson misses the World Cup.

Jakob Johansson remembers this message.

– It is clear that you would have liked to be there and be part of it, but at the same time, you are ready for that for a long time. I already knew that when I hurt myself, it would be difficult to get ready for the World Cup, so I was upset for that, he says now.

"I already knew that when I was injured, it would be difficult to heal the World Cup," says Jakob Johansson.


Change Team

A little over a month ago, it was clear that Jakob Johansson was changing his team. signing a contract with the Ligue 1 Rennes club.

– It worked well here, the pre-season started here on Monday. days that. But I have been well groomed and I feel good about being on the spot, says Johansson, and he continues:

– I am very happy with the decision to relocate. Rennes gave a very good impression and it feels like a good football step, but also socially. My family and I will probably be fine and I am very optimistic.

At this moment, the team is in training in Austria and trains for the current season.

"Follow as much as I can"

However, Jakob Johansson is still waiting a while with the rehab before he can come back completely.

– I am still re-educating. The hope is that I will be locked in collective exercise slowly but surely in the coming weeks, assuming everything goes as it should, says Johansson.

This is in the right direction?

– Yes, really. I had to stay in training after four or five months, but now everything feels new again. It's going from the front.

Johansson during the training of the national team at the Stockholm stadium before the World Cup.


Even though Jakob Johansson is now in a training camp, he is doing his best to keep pace with the World Cup with a lot of games.

– I'm as much as I can, I've tried to see as many matches as possible. We have a lot of interest, says Johansson, who is delighted with the success of his partners in the national team.

Do not miss the match

– Very fun, crazy ball. Both as a supporter of Sweden in general, but also because the guys knew how hard they worked for it. It's really amazing.

Are you surprised?

– I will not be ticklish and say that I saw it coming, but I'm not surprised. The two of me and everyone watch the games see the available capacity. They hit France and Italy last year, so we can not be surprised.

– So, it is clear that it will be a lot to get the best of themselves and the whole group in a World Cup, but they have really succeeded. It's great to follow and I hope it's not over yet …

Do you see the match against England?

– Yes, I really hope. That's definitely the plan. We'll see how we solve it, but you can not miss it.

Sweden celebrates Jakob Johansson's goal against Italy.


Optimistic: "Having good chances"

Jakob Johansson is optimistic about Sweden's chances in the quarter-finals.

He thinks victory is possible

– I think we have a good chance. England is a good team with many talented players, but we have already shown which opponents we can win. Plus, there is such a blow in the team right now.

Do you want to send greetings?

– They receive so many greetings from all possible places and I know that they are so heavily laden and labeled for the game anyway. There is not much more to say than a great godly happiness.

READ MORE: Sweden in the quarterfinals – All you need to know READ MORE : Quarter-finals in the 2018 World Cup – All matches

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