Jan Björklund: Liberals can free Löfven


The liberals may have the intention of liberating a government led by the Social Democratic Party, provided that this entails a "radical reversal" of economic policy.

He announced the party leader, Jan Björklund, at a press conference Wednesday afternoon.

"The Liberals will not be part of an S-led government, but if the Social Democrats meet high demands for structural reforms, we are ready to free such a government and, on the other hand, on the other hand, to engage in budgetary cooperation, "said Jan Björklund.

He does not want to go into the details of the claims for the moment, but has pointed out some reforms considered important. This includes the reduction of labor taxes, the elimination of the social tax and market rent for newly created housing.

"I will send tomorrow to Stefan Löfven a list of our demands to which he will respond.

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