Jaw pain stays long after a chest injury


In addition to neck pain, many people with pancreatic lesions, called whiplash, also have facial and jaw pain that often lasts two years after the injury. In addition, the chewing function can be altered. He shows a new thesis at the University of Umeå.

– Given the risk of prolonged pain and discomfort in the face and jaws, it would be beneficial for patients with neck trauma to also undergo an evaluation of the jaw system, shortly afterwards. # 39; accident. Dentists specializing in bone physiology should investigate those with jaw problems, "said Ewa Lampa, a PhD student in the dentistry department of Umeå University.

In her thesis, Ewa Lampa followed 176 people with head trauma and a control group of 116 people. One month after the accident, all participants were questioned with the help of questionnaires on pain and disorder in the jaw and neck area, on other physical and mental symptoms and on a difficult test.

About one-third of whiplash victims had pain in both the jaw and neck. It was much more than in the control group. There was also a link between the intensity of pain in the jaw / neck and other bodily symptoms, as well as signs of depression. Compared to the control group, those individuals with whiplash also had lower chewing ability due to the severity of neck problems.

After a two-year follow-up of the same test and questionnaire, jaw pain persisted for the majority of whiplash victims who had a problem with the first test.

– The frequency of the problems and their longevity were surprising. He talks about the importance of quickly identifying victims of investigations and treatments before chronic pain becomes painful. A simple questionnaire and some questions can be a first sufficient survey, says Ewa Lampa.

A whiplash, or injury to the pool, is a neck trauma that affects tens of thousands of people each year in Sweden, often in the event of a car accident. Many develop long-term symptoms, such as neck pain, stiff neck and headaches. Some also develop pain and dysfunction in the jaw system that can affect the quality of life.

Ewa Lampa grew up in Kiruna, a certified dentist in Umeå. After thirteen years in Kiruna as a general practitioner, she returned to Umeå and specialized in field physiology.

To the thesis

For more information, please contact
Ewa Lampa
Telephone: 070-617 44 87
E-mail: [email protected]

About the thesis
Ewa Lampa, Department of Dentistry, will be defending on Friday, November 30th at. 13h00 his thesis entitled: Pain and dysfunction of the jaw and neck regions after cervical trauma: short-term and long-term perspective. (Title in English: Pain and Disability in the Jaw and Neck Regions After Whiplash: Short and Long Term Perspective). Opponent: Malin Ernberg, Professor, Department of Dentistry / Oral Pain and Jaw Function, Karolinska Institute. Senior Supervisor: Birgitta Häggman-Henrikson. Location: Norrlands University Hospital, Sal B, Building 1D.

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