Jenny Gullberg Persson rages against cuts in Kungälv


Jenny is a teacher in Kungälv and recently participated in the film "The film about Kungälv", an advertisement for the municipality. In the film, she talks about the importance for children in her crib to feel safe and seen.

"I can not stand what I say in the movie, the kids will be terrible," she says.

The municipality of Kungälv plans to make reductions in all units and operations in 2019. Pre-schools will be affected.

– Our groups will be bigger and the vacancies will be closed. He's already busy now, I'm really worried about what's going to happen to kids. They are the citizens of tomorrow.

Jenny worked as a preschool teacher for 24 years. The idea of ​​changing jobs has recently hit it. But she does not really want it, she just wants a normal work environment.

"If I get sick, there will be no temporary staff.I'm afraid to be exhausted and it's terrible for children, others working here say the same thing And we will not be able to follow the program.

Jenny recently wrote a debate in Kungälvs-Posten where she expressed her point of view on the cuts.

– Something has to be done. I think the staff should come together and act but the time is running out Everything is too stressful.

"Kindergartens can have their own system"

Miguel Odhner (S) is the chairman of Kungälv City Council and declares that the municipality will have a good school and a good kindergarten in the future.

"We are convinced that we have introduced a new financial framework and that we will always have a very good school.It is important to have a good financial situation, everyone must participate in the realization of future investments," he says and continues ;

"We do not focus on the size of groups in kindergarten, but that all preschoolers must be well prepared to start elementary school.

Dennis Reinhold, Head of Education for Education and Education in Kungälv Municipality, commented on the project to rebuild the temporary employment function.

– Thus, as temporary work, you can manage them differently and kindergartens can have their own temporary employment system. Exactly what will happen, I can not answer now, he says.

"You can not cut it"

Kerstin Guth is a press contact for the municipality of Kungälv, stating that it is not possible to remove Jenny's participation from the film.

"You can not cut it, the film is already a huge card, in such cases you have to delete the entire movie and maybe we should do it anyway." The movie is old now.

She thinks the issue has not been discussed yet.

"I do not know how to do it with her and the movie, maybe we can do it," she says.

Jenny says that she can no longer defend what she said in "The Movie on Kungälv"

Photo: Cut of "The film on Kungälv"

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