Jens Møller has solved the murder of Kim Wall – gets fired for a book


Jens Møller Jensen led police work as part of the spectacular investigation into the murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall.

In this work, he appeared as an extremely effective police officer who, with clear guidelines and books, solved the case.

Many experts, including Swedish, were surprised at the actions of the Danish police.

Jens Møller Jensen participated in a number of press conferences and answered questions from journalists. The murder investigation has attracted media from around the world to Denmark.

Greps directly

As regards the submarine builder Peter Madsen, he was arrested as soon as he left the ground feet and after two weeks, the Danish police chief was able to inform the journalist that the murder was on the point of being resolved.

The police then found the chest of Kim Walls that had landed on the southwestern side of Amager Island.

Shortly after, with dogs similar to the Swedish police, the remains of the body in Öresund were found.

Peter Madsen.


Submarine builder Peter Madsen was later sentenced to life in prison for murder.

At the same time, Jens Møller Jensen sat at the desk and left the finishing touches to his own book on the submarine case.

The book is entitled "Clarified – The Murder Chiefs Own Story" and describes the course of events from the point of view of the police.

The booklet took place last week.

Out of work

Immediately after, Møller Jensen was deprived of his position as head of the police assassination commission.

In an e-mail to the Danish Politiken newspaper, the police confirm that the reason is the publication of the current book.

In addition, the murderer was also reported to the police disciplinary board for suspicion of breach of confidentiality rules.

As long as the investigation is ongoing, Jens Møller Jensen will not be working in the field, which is now part of the examination, says the police report in the message to Politiken.

For the moment, it is not clear whether the murderer can return to work.

According to anonymous sources within the police with whom Politiken spoke, there is talk of a degradation.

Is critical

At the same time, several of Møller Jensen's colleagues are deeply unhappy that their boss has written a book about the submarine's assassination.

Many also believe that the murderer took too much credit to solve the case – when in reality it was teamwork.

Jens Møller Jensen has not published any comments yet.

When last week the political group asked him if he might have gone too far with his book, he replied:

"It will certainly be criticized for what I have done, but I sincerely hope that I have not said anything in the book that I can not stand.

– In terms of breach of confidentiality, I can answer like everyone else.

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