"Jihadists can enter the country without knowing it"


SWEDEN Sweden's border controls have serious flaws that will be resolved in five years. However, the risk is that jihadists have already managed to enter the country – without the authorities having any idea.

The evening post was the first to report a secret Schengen report revealing major shortcomings in Swedish border controls. Sveriges Ekot Radios followed the announcement on Monday with new information. The complete organization of border controls is reflected in the new report that the European Commission plans to publish shortly.

Read more: Border controls are sown – they will work in five years

One of the concrete shortcomings already revealed by the media is that of Arlanda Airport. There, staff do not know the profiling lists and risk indicators identified to identify returning jihadists. Ardavan Khoshnood, a criminologist at the University of Malmö, thinks it is the most serious problem.

"The worst thing is that the so-called jihadists can enter the country without knowing it.This is the most serious article," he told Svenska Dagbladet, and continues:

"Many of those who work abroad as border controllers may have already worked with something else, they receive a week of education, then they check passports and do not even have access to that. what they should be paying attention to.This can come from a person coming from a specific region where we know that jihadists are traveling a lot, or are difficult and nervous or sweat a lot.

The head of the border police, Patrik Engström, told Ekot that it will take five years to resolve the problems reported by the European Commission. Ardavan Khoshnood points out that it may be already too late and that jihadists have probably entered. Rakhmat Akilov is an example.

"It's been a long time since we were naive, if Engström says five years, then it's five years, it will take a long time before we can build a border control that bears his name." We must not forget that the police is an authority under the government and controlled from there, but this report opens our eyes to our politicians so that they can actually do something, says Ardavan Khoshnood.

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