Jimmie Åkesson is suddenly set to answer for his ideology


The seventh day of the political week was about the party. But Jimmie Åkesson (SD) has not proposed a radical policy or strong counterattack on what he usually calls "sick sleep". Instead, he appealed:

"We shared the responsibility of the country to be able to control." Ulf Kristersson spoke of an adult approach, so I appealed to Stefan Löfven and he that we have this adult conversation.We must be able to talk to each other, "said Åkesson

Until now, other party leaders have agreed not to give to SD Decisive influence Now the Åkesson party is still developing, but 20% of the Riksdag can not force 80% to do what they do not want, so Swedish democracy has never worked

But the bourgeois and reddish blocks have not yet reached an agreement on cooperation, the Swedish Democrats have the opportunity to take power after the elections

Ulf Kristersson chose in his speech to go to the frontal attack on SD. The Liberals named the party to the main enemy. The parties have begun to take on a clear ideological conflict with nationalism and the SD's desire to define who belongs to the Swedish nation and who does not. The Party's Perspective on Minorities and its Demands for Adaptation to a Majority Culture began to be studied

The question is whether Åkesson becomes praying when he asks for power. Do the other parties want a greater ideology for nationalist ideology? Do they think that Swedish democrats can cooperate?

"The basis of all cooperation is trust, the person initiating the cooperation must be able to trust the will, the ability to honor the agreements made, and in order to build such collaborative capital, Investment has been needed for a long time, "says State Professor Henrik Oscarsson on Twitter .

Swedish Democrats have already been involved in some investigations and cooperation forums. Former party chairman, Mikael Jansson, is since 2010 member of the government's advisory body on defense and security policy, the Defense Committee.Jansson was involved in secret trips and hearings and participated in and Mikael Jansson was not considered a seat on SD's parliamentary ballots and he has recently at Alternatives for Sweden, he went almost directly to Russia to meet Russian representatives and other nationalist parties.

It is difficult to understand why SD has elected no reputable representative to the place where it was really published.

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