Jimmie Åkesson sent a secret list to Stefan Löfven


The fall of the fall seems to be a real shaker. But as most people remember, the 2014 election was also a very dramatic story, which ended with the closure of the government budget by Swedish Democrats.

Now Jimmie Åkesson the leader of the Swedish Democratic Party reveals that SD presented a list to the speaker of the Riksdag to give advice to Stefan Löfven on how the government would spend the budget.

– I talked a lot with the president then. And I gave him a list of requirements that were important to allow the government to promise its budget through the Riksdag, said today Jimmie Åkesson at a conference of press about his new book "The Modern People's Home".

The list was intended for what was soon to be the prime minister of Sweden – Stefan Löfven

– it was a list of points. The next time there will be no list of points, it will be a concrete list of reforms that we want to see implemented by the next government, continued Jimmie Åkesson [19659005] Leader of the Swedish Democratic Group in Parliament, Confirm that there was a list, even if it was not written on a paper.

– There was a mental list of four areas of interest that are crucial to us. It is working conditions in the public sector, poor pensioners, law and order and migration policy. "If we fail to put in place concrete policies in these areas, it will be difficult for us to form a government supported by us," says Mattias Karlsson at Nyheter 24.

Karlsson argues that it does not matter how government constellation no.

– You must be able to consider how to reduce immigration, we are always up there. And Ulf Kristersson still has not managed to tell him how to apply it with the Center Party and the Liberals, "Karlsson told News24

Recently, the leader of the Liberal Party Jan Björklund attacked Jimmie Åkesson

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