Jimmie Åkesson sometimes thinks Sweden is the best in the world.


Visby. Jimmie Åkesson claimed that many asylum seekers do not make social queues impossible

This is not true.

Swedish Democrat Jimmie Åkesson was second in Almedalen's political week. It was a leader of the victorious SD who quickly declared that "now we are going against the waltzer"

1 of 4 | Photo: Lotte Fernvall

However, a little later in the speech, he was not sure at all that the waltz would mean that he and his party would have any influence at all. He asked all the other party leaders at the Riksdag to get involved and decide.

– I do not even require you to be particularly kind to me. Jimmie Åkesson claimed that the costs of what he always calls asylum immigrants, that is, asylum seekers and those who are granted the international law, cost money that should have been misappropriated. children with disabilities, poor pensioners and the police.

But that's not true. The fact that the money did not leave depends on political priorities. The public debt is the lowest since 1977, 41 years. And the surplus of central government finances is estimated at 42 billion, 42 billion. That's almost as much as the total cost of the defense.

Money is not the problem. They are sufficient for asylum seekers, asylum seekers and many, many others.

He also said that a "large proportion" of newly arrived Swedes do not want to work. Is there any evidence for that? I did not see it.

Nationalism is beautiful. claimed Jimmie Åkesson. There are shared sentences, but that's his opinion.

He said that Sweden is based on nationalism and that without nationalism, there would be no defense and no Swedish national team in football.

This is a qualifying discussion. According to the dictionary of the Swedish Academy, the word nationalism means a "basic vision that focuses on one's own people and their rights or demands vis-à-vis others, often considering aggression more or less strong towards others, excessive nationality, chauvinism.

According to the Swedish dictionary, as published by the Academy, it also means "an opinion that claims the value and interests of the nation itself, often before other nations."

There is therefore no territory or to play national matches. It is a political orientation that assumes that your own country is superior to all those who must be fought.

Logic is not always the strong side of Jimmie Åkesson. In the speech he counted a lot of things for which he is terrified. Among other things, he is going to be seriously ill and not being treated on time and that one of the five foreign rapists living in Sweden is not being deported.

But only three sentences after " terrible list" he said that Sweden "one of the best countries in the world where to live". How are you, Åkesson? Is Sweden terribly or almost the best?

Jimmie Åkessons stirred freshly against all other parties, including the Nazis in the Nordic Resistance Movement, NMR, which he called "a bunch of cowards".

Margot Wallström (right) and Stefan Löfven (right) are both right:

– You have ravaged the public house, we are rebuilding it.

What happened with "one of the best countries in the world" to live in? "There, the public house can hardly be completely ravaged.

C & # 39; Is Lena Mellin 00:25

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