Jimmie Åkesson spoke of deaf ears


He also challenged the Prime Minister on welfare. Löfven wants to make a choice for a referendum on this subject. He then calculated the area per area that should have received more money, but the money was instead used to immigration asylum seekers

"I am terrified by the people unfamiliar with reality like Stefan Löfven, Gustav Fridolin, Jonas Sjöstedt, Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund will always have confidence in the control of our country against disasters … "

Sometimes the main Swedish democrats declared themselves ready to vote for government. But here Åkesson has made it clear, who are the only ones in whom he trusts as the organizer of the government. It was only Ulf Kristersson and Ebba Busch Thor who do not belong to the reality – the leaders of the failed parties –

Yet the threats / promises of the government issue will have certainly a different meaning. But, of course, it is only tactical not to be too subversive towards Mr.

At the same time, it is obvious that the leading SDs also disagree. The party leader said today at a press conference that it would be mandatory for the deportation of serious foreign born offspring. But when his party secretary Richard Jomshof appeared on the Expressen scene, the message was another. "It will be enough for the minorities to be expelled, and the criminals should be expelled even if they risk the death penalty in their country of origin.When Jimmie Åkesson appeared on the same stage a moment later, he said no to the two requirements of Jomshof

But it was not only the parties of parliament that were seen in the speech of Åkesson.The Nazis who disrupted the order in Visby called it "a bunch of cowards." And despite the party's brown roots, or maybe just because of it, he says:

"Nazism lacks all human rights in a democratic society "

The head of the SD had of course a novelty: the reform: 125 million crowns will be invested in increased deductions from ROT for burglar alarms.

The alliance is also concerned about burglars, but at their press conference this Thursday, they proposed a year of empri at least for burglary. Otherwise, the most apparent in Jimmie Åkesson's show was the closest euphoric self-esteem that he radiates right now:

We have our own victory party, he says, he There was nothing like it for the football team. And he added the victory: The year 2018 is the year of the Swedish Democrats.

In this context, his end clip has become almost pathetic. He appealed to all other party leaders, of whom, just before, they described most as a reality-stranger, about an adult conversation.

This was a reference to Ulf Kristersson, but not even he had behaved against SD. In his Sunday speech, he attacked SD hard

. But now, Åkesson has appealed almost as a desperate friandeur that others would still talk to him.

"Sweden must be able to be governed even after September 9. Let's have an adult conversation – really!"

I think he spoke for the deaf ears.

READ MORE: All about Almedalen 2018

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