Joline, 5, should not go to the preschool class of friends


For five years, Joline was in the same kindergarten as her kindergarten friends from Rönnbacken. This fall, they will start in a preschool class at the church school – anything but Joline, something Sundsvalls Tidning has reported.

– When I made the decision of the school where she was going to go, I immediately sent a wish to change at the church school that all her friends would start, says Joline's mother, Johanna Malmqvist.

She thought that school change would not be a problem because Joline's brothers and sisters and other students, as late as she could, had changed schools for go to the Rönnbacken school. Soon, she realized that this was not the case.

– It took a while before I got an answer, but on Thursday morning the manager called and said that they could not get it.

The Rector refers to a lack of space and the family lives outside the watershed.

"The best of the child"

Johanna Malmqvist did not give up and contacted several local authorities.

– But they refer only to each other. I told her that there was commotion around Joline and that she needed confidence to stay in her group, but that did not bother them.

The parents of Joline's friends in his former kindergarten also responded letters to the municipality

– They did not even answer all the questions, for example, they take into account the best interests of the child.

READ MORE: Invasion of rats in kindergarten at Sundsvall children forced to stay

Johanna Malmqvist feels helpless and believes that the municipality does not look better and that they see everything as a princessak.

– Joline asked me "Why am I not going with my mom's friends?" Said Johanna Malmqvist and continues:

– It hurts my heart and how can I explain it? I can say that we live closer to the other school, but this is not a good answer.

Smallest place in the school

Ulrika Segervald is the principal of the elementary school and she explains that at the church school you will remove the modules have been there and only children living in the reception area can be accommodated.

– It's unfortunate, but we must also keep in mind that all students who go to school are entitled to a good work environment, so classes will not be too much big, "says Ulrika Segervald at Sundsvalls Tidning. [ad_2]
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