Jonas Sjöstedt criticized S in his language Almedal.


Visby. To say that Jonas Sjöstedt dismissed the Social Democrats would be an exaggeration.

But he thinks Stefan Löfven has failed. Correctly

The speech of the leader at Almedalen, the second of the order this year, was highly ideological. He contained no news except that he had played rugby in his youth

. Jonas Sjöstedt started saying that it was good for the Left Party. They have new members, which he did not talk about in the speech, and seems to be going against one of his best election results in modern times.

Photo: Lotte Fernvall

Jonas Sjöstedt during his speech in Almedalen.

In electoral barometers support is about nine percent. The best left-wing party election was in 1998 when they received 11.8 percent of the votes.

His own explanation for the good opinion figures is that you know where you have the left party. They do not succumb to storms of temporary debates

This can be part of the explanation. But the most important thing is that things are bad for the Social Democrats. The left drew dissatisfied voters on the left flank of Stefan Löfven

Jonas Sjöstedt praised himself and his party for doing a lot of good things in budget cooperation with the government. A total of 80 reforms, including free glasses for children and adolescents, and free visits to the health center for over 85 years.

Something strange happened during the previous term:

– We had a majority right (in parliament, red report) but more left than ever.

If the influence of the left influence the left party, that is true. Their negotiating session in the budget discussions with the two government parties is very good. Without the support of the Left Party, the Alliance could have reigned over the government budget without the help of the Swedish Democrats.

As a result, they received much of their policy in budget negotiations.

The well-being of Swedish welfare began when "The Social Democrats and the Right together created a welfare market and created a tax system for the rich."

But the criticism was more severe against social democrats than bourgeois, perhaps because Sjöstedt has no illusions about the Alliance.

He was disappointed that Stefan Löfven wanted to make the budget "with right wing parties", that Löfven called the Social Democrats an intermediate party and that Löfven said that "no one can say what is right and good. " Jonas Sjöstedt believes that anyone can do it

The leader of the V is angry at the knife in the social-democratic plague quoting Olof Palme

"We will be alone in fighting the forces of the market". stated that market forces decide when political decisions are not made.

The implicit message was not very well understood. The sisters were better when they were a left party.

News from the Left Party that was not pronounced at a press conference this morning, implied the intention to allocate 40 million crowns a year. sports schools across the country.

For a party of revolutionary traditions, it was a very discreet vallöfte. You do not have to go wrong.

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