Jonas Sjöstedt opens to negotiate with L and C after the election


Visby. The dream of a leftist government seems to be far away.

Jonas Sjöstedt opens to negotiate with C and L after the election.

– We are always ready to negotiate if we can get through the politics of the left, "explains Jonas Sjöstedt.

The Left Party has negotiated the budget with the government for the duration of its mandate

If there are any other negotiations with S this fall, the party will insist on getting through a " Red Tax Exchange "

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Jonas Sjöstedt.

This implies an increase in the capital income tax and a reduction in interest income. The money that arrives wants to use the party to reduce the tax on low-income people, sick writers and the unemployed.

Today, those who can not work, or who work little, pay a "penalty tax" because they do not enjoy tax deductions, says Sjöstedt.

– A low-income worker often pays more of his income in taxes than a billionaire. We want to make the tax system more equitable. More for the servant and the retiree, a little less for the millionaire, says Jonas Sjöstedt.

"Can be a complicated mode"

The fact that the party did not receive the tax reform in the previous negotiations is because S has completely lowered the foot, according to Sjöstedt.

– We negotiated 90 reforms, but as soon as we came to the conclusion that those who have the best to pay more taxes, the Social Democrats said no. They do not want to use the tax system to even out the rapidly growing income gaps, says Sjöstedt.

Jonas Sjöstedt does not close the door to negotiate with other parties this fall, for example with a government of Social Democrats, Liberals and the Center Party.

– We intend to act to obtain a government without bourgeois parties. But this can be a very complicated situation this fall and we are always ready to negotiate if we can get through the leftist politics. Jonas Sjöstedt explains that we do not close the door to other government constellations than today.

Would you like to be part of a government with S, L and C?

– I think we would be in a government with improbable bourgeois parties. But we will always be ready to negotiate to get through the politics of the left.

"Will not outsource refugee policy"

In his party party later today, Jonas Sjöstedt will address inequality, the different conditions of child growth, and politics. refugees. Leader V is concerned about the tone of the debate on immigration, both at home and in the EU. He mentioned, among other things, the proposal for refugee camps in Europe or North Africa.

– Australia has such a system, and testimonials about terrible conditions and abuses are numerous. We will not outsource our refugee policy in this way.

In the latest poll Aftonbladet / Inizio, you get 8.9%. Why do you think that will go ahead for you?

– We are moving towards one of the best election results of modern times if this is true. I think a lot of people think that they can trust the Left Party. We do not hold our fingers in the air and we adapt to what SD says.

The magpask of the Alliance

Can not trust other parties?

– No, it's just to look at the Alliance's magpask about the president and the presidential election. One day, they will exchange with SD, the next day they will regret some lots. Even the social democrats adapt to the SD, with constant calls for harsher attacks against asylum seekers.

You are also in danger of coming to the forefront of the next government debate. How do you think?

– Looking at its evolution, it is likely that if the Social Democrats continue to govern, they will talk to us. Then we will use it to get through reform after reform for equality, gains in well-being and so on. It's just counting the term and you see it's going in that direction.

Five things you may not know about Jonas Sjöstedt (V) 00:45

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